SNP Design guide

Unlock the key to cohesive design and seamless brand representation on our style guide page.
Delve into a visual roadmap that defines our aesthetic principles, color palette, typography, and more. 



If you have questions about the 
SNP CI / CD, or if you require logos 
/ lettering, please contact us:

Teams backgrounds

Teams supports background images for online meetings. Images can be one of the Teams set, a custom image uploaded to Teams, or from a web site gallery.

Link to Sharepoint

Mission + Claim


Our claim consists of catchy words that reflect us as a  company. The claim is used in various situations and must  be applied appropriately to each situation. Accordingly, the  different application possibilities are visible here.


Styleguide Claim

Claim Variants



The Logo

Logo redesign

More striking, more modern, more effective: To ensure that 
our logo embodies our values at first sight,
we have modernized our bird to reflect our new look.

Basic version

The basic version of our logo is white lettering on a blue 
square. The logo is available as a negative version for various 
purposes. More information is available on page 5.

Free space

The free space around the logo is a firmly defined zone that 
must remain unchanged under all circumstances. Do not 
allow any other element to enter this zone. 




Logo Variants

As flexible as the solutions we design for our customers: To 
showcase our logo on all communication channels, our
revised logo is available as both a positive and a negative 
variant. Use the negative variant when placing the logo on 
any dark background.


Logo Do’s & Dont’s

There is no game without rules: To ensure that our
new look has the same impact worldwide, do not color
our logo in and only place it on plain backgrounds.
In addition, use of the old logo or old colors is not allowed.


Our colors strike the right note: To achieve the perfect look,  we use the same colors worldwide. “Just White” and “Stratos  Blue” are the leading design colors, but “Sparky Blue” can be  used for subtle accentuation where necessary. Do not use "Sparky Blue" as font color. 

Just white

RGB: 255 255 255
CMYK: 0 0 0 0
Pantone: –
RAL: 9003 Signalweiß

Stratos blue

Hex: #151975
RGB: 21 25 117
CMYK: 100 90 0 10
Pantone: 2118 C
RAL: Ultramarinblau

Sparky blue

Hex: #00ebff
RGB: 0 235 255
CMYK: 60 00 10 00
Pantone: 310 C
RAL: Lichtgrün

Stratos Blue

Hex: #151975
RGB: 21 25 117
CMYK: 100 90 0 10

Hex: #3f609e

Hex: #689bd2

Hex: #94c7fa

Hex: #bfe0ff

Hex: #e0f0ff

Hex: #f0f8ff

Sparky Blue

Hex: #00ebff
RGB: 0 235 255
CMYK: 60 0 10 0


Hex: #6f6f6f
RGB: 111 111 111
CMYK: 54 43 43 28

Hex: #b2b2b2

Hex: #eeeeee

Do’s & Dont’s

Additional shades of “Stratos Blue” are available for our infographics. Every infographic must be created with “Stratos Blue.” In exceptional cases where the shades are not sufficient, gray tones and secondary colors are available. However, do not use them without “Stratos Blue” and only use them very carefully.



House font

Use sentence case, never all caps!

NO: Data Makes the Deal
YES: Data makes the deal

Fonts play an important role for SNP’s image: They convey information to our target audiences – our “readers.”

To catch their attention, use the font “Archia Semibold” for
headlines and important teasers, subheadings and quotations. Use the font “Inter Light” for running text. Use the font “Inter Semibold” to emphasize parts of running text. Only use this font in exceptional cases.

If these rules are implemented well and adhered to, our brand will have a high-quality overall appearance across all media.

Download fonts

The Archia Semibold comes as a headline above the text

“Archia Semibold”  is our headline font. It is striking, technical-looking and easy to read, quickly recognizable, brand-defining, and particularly suitable for emphasis or introductory texts.

Use the font “Inter Semibold” to emphasize text or make it particularly distinctive, especially running text. To avoid overuse, only use it in exceptional cases.

»This is a quotation. This is
a quotation. This is a quotation. «

“Archia Semibold” is used for quotations.


“Inter Light” is mainly used in running text. Combined with the headline font, the result is an elegant, visually appealing mix of fonts.




An accent to add highlights: Our “Jelly Data.” Derived from the beating wings of our swift, the “Jelly Data” represents our mission and our values. It is digital, constantly transforming and adds selected highlights. You can use “Jelly Data” for accentuation if necessary.




Visual Imagery

Bright, friendly and at the heart of the action: In our images, we ensure that the depth of focus is natural and the image has a clear foreground and background. We move freely between finer details and the big picture while keeping our images bright and friendly. Just like us.

For website headers use 1920x500px and normal images 1080x720px. Preffered saved for web (Photoshop can do that)




A picture is worth a thousand words. Unless it’s the wrong one. And to ensure that we speak the same visual language worldwide, we take care not to use images that are too dark – otherwise the flare becomes too dominant.


Design elements


To put it simply: Sometimes, neither worlds nor illustrations can put exactly what you want to say into words. For example, there simply might not be enough space for them. Or you can simply say more with less. For such cases, we have developed a set of icons. 

This is only an excerpt. The complete icon set can be obtained from the following link: 




Sometimes it doesn’t take an entire world to explain what we do. In such cases, we can apply our illustrations in our color palette as a 2D image. The bottom line is that we always have the right graphic at hand.

This is only an excerpt. The complete illustration set can be obtained from the following link: 
