Transformation World 2024: SNP expands its CrystalBridge solution for improved integration and greater business agility
Heidelberg, Germany, June 21, 2024 – SNP SE, a leading provider of software for digital transformation, automated data migration and data management in the SAP environment, announced at its flagship conference Transformation World the expansion of its CrystalBridge solution with new capabilities. In the opening plenary session, CEO Jens Amail introduced the SNP Kyano platform that supports the company’s strategy as an enabler of digital transformations and business agility. Kyano is a major evolutionary step with extended capabilities: It offers tighter ecosystem integration, is more agnostic to source and target systems, and provides ongoing services for customers to improve data-enabled business agility.
Paola Krauss
Pressekontakt SNP
Teléfono móvil: +49 172 72 95 928
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- Enhanced platform introduced at 10th Transformation World in Heidelberg with over 1,500 attendees
- New capabilities support efficient ecosystem integration
- Platform is more agnostic to data migration source and target systems
- Businesses can use SNP Agility Index to assess their data-readiness for transformations
With Kyano, SNP gives technology partners and system integrators the opportunity to create value for customers more efficiently. The platform is already supporting key integrations from partners such as smartShift, to support custom code management and promote a clean core strategy; Xiting, who focus on validating and improving authorization concepts and SAP security; and CDQ, who enhance transparency and address poor quality around business partner data. Kyano also offers a better experience for system integrators by enabling low-code/no-code project configurations and the ability to integrate their own migration content. Furthermore, it leverages the software assets from the Datavard acquisition and enriches them with AI for data model discovery of third-party applications, focusing in an initial step on bringing non-SAP source data into SAP. This underscores SNP’s commitment to address the market need for a more diverse set of data migration requirements. With the introduction of the Agility Index, Kyano also provides an AI-powered, continuous cloud service that measures, benchmarks, and optimizes business agility based on smart KPIs and trend analyses.
SNP’s CEO Jens Amail highlighted the importance of this step in his keynote: “Given global dynamics such as regional conflicts, climate change, shortage of talent and the increased relevance of AI, business agility is becoming more and more important for our customers. SNP has been enabling business transformations through our software since 2010. Today, these transformation capabilities are more relevant than ever. With the strong operational improvements we have made in the last 18 months, now is the perfect time to expand our vision and extend the market category we have been shaping for many years. With tangible innovation proof points already today, we are ready to support our customers in navigating the complexities of ongoing transformations and business agility.”
Sobre SNP
SNP (ticker: SHF.DE) es el líder mundial en plataformas tecnológicas y socio de confianza para las empresas que buscan obtener una transformación de datos y agilidad empresarial sin precedentes. La plataforma Kyano de SNP reúne las funciones necesarias y las ofertas de nuestros socios para proporcionar una experiencia integral basada en software en la migración y gestión de datos. Junto con el enfoque BLUEFIELD, Kyano establece un estándar integral del sector para reestructurar y modernizar los entornos de TI centrados en SAP de forma más rápida y segura, aprovechando al mismo tiempo las innovaciones basadas en datos.
La empresa trabaja con unos 3.000 clientes de todos los tamaños y sectores en todo el mundo, entre ellos 20 del DAX 40 y 103 de la lista Fortune 500. El Grupo SNP emplea a unas 1.500 personas en todo el mundo, en más de 35 ubicaciones repartidas por 15 países. La empresa tiene su sede en Heidelberg, Alemania, y generó ingresos de 203.4 millones de euros en el año fiscal 2023.
Paola Krauss
Pressekontakt SNP
Teléfono móvil: +49 172 72 95 928