SNP Supports Black Jaguar Foundation in Biodiversity Matters

Heidelberg, July 5, 2023 - SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE is once again making a commitment to the Black Jaguar Foundation in 2023: The Heidelberg-based software and consulting company is donating 30,000 euros to the non-profit foundation, which is dedicated to saving the Brazilian rainforest. The donation will enable the institution to plant 30,000 trees in the Rio Araguaia biodiversity corridor in Brazil - the world's longest biodiversity corridor at over 2,000 kilometers.

07.05.2023  |  4min


Paola Krauss

Pressekontakt SNP


The theme of World Environment Day in 2023 is "Beat Plastic". At SNP, we are committed to biodiversity, among other issues, as part of our sustainability goals and are very pleased to be able to contribute through our involvement with the Black Jaguar Foundation. The Black Jaguar Foundation is a non-profit dedicated to saving the Brazilian rainforest, and with our donation, 30,000 new trees can now be planted in the Rio Araguaia biodiversity corridor in Brazil - at over 2,000 kilometers, the longest biodiversity corridor in the world.

Find out more about Black Jaguar and our commitment here

"As part of our corporate social responsibility commitment, we pay attention to sustainable development as an overall topic and specifically to climate protection. This donation will enable the Black Jaguar Foundation to plant 30,000 climate-friendly trees," says Gregor Stöckler, COO at SNP, underlining the CSR commitment. "I have known founder Ben Valks for over ten years, greatly appreciate the volunteer work of his team and am extremely pleased that we as SNP continue to support the Black Jaguar Foundation."


Continuous CSR commitment

SNP consistently aligns its actions with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. This includes supporting lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth and integrating measures to combat climate change and its effects into the corporate strategy. The focus here is on initiatives to reduce energy consumption throughout the Group and increase the share of renewable energies. A corresponding environmental guideline was already introduced in the Central Europe region in 2021.

There is also a focus on using modern technologies such as SNP software to reduce CO2 emissions. SNP also takes its suppliers and service providers to task: Contracts are consistently awarded according to aspects of sustainability as well as social and economic fairness. The benchmark here is the Supplier & Service Provider Check (SSPC), a module developed by 2bdifferent for checking suppliers. SNP also helps its customers to become more sustainable: by determining their carbon footprint, optimizing their data inventory and developing sustainable business models.

The SNP Transformation World 2023 conference also took into account sustainability issues: Firstly, by awarding contracts to service providers and suppliers according to SSPC criteria and by reducing CO2 emissions along the entire value chain. Secondly, in terms of content: The subsidiary EXA gave a presentation on the most important factors in handling strategies and presented Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) as support for implementation.

Sobre SNP

SNP (ticker: SHF.DE) es el líder mundial en plataformas tecnológicas y socio de confianza para las empresas que buscan obtener una transformación de datos y agilidad empresarial sin precedentes. La plataforma Kyano de SNP reúne las funciones necesarias y las ofertas de nuestros socios para proporcionar una experiencia integral basada en software en la migración y gestión de datos. Junto con el enfoque BLUEFIELD, Kyano establece un estándar integral del sector para reestructurar y modernizar los entornos de TI centrados en SAP de forma más rápida y segura, aprovechando al mismo tiempo las innovaciones basadas en datos.

La empresa trabaja con unos 3.000 clientes de todos los tamaños y sectores en todo el mundo, entre ellos 20 del DAX 40 y 103 de la lista Fortune 500. El Grupo SNP emplea a unas 1.500 personas en todo el mundo, en más de 35 ubicaciones repartidas por 15 países. La empresa tiene su sede en Heidelberg, Alemania, y generó ingresos de 203.4 millones de euros en el año fiscal 2023.


Paola Krauss

Pressekontakt SNP