Michael Eberhardt Becomes New CEO of SNP SE

11.22.2020  |  1 min


  • Press release
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The Board of Directors of SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE has appointed Michael Eberhardt as the new CEO with effect from December 1, 2020. In addition to his previous duties as COO, he will therefore also assume responsibility for the areas of Strategy, Product Development and Communication. At the same time, the Board of Directors elected Dr. Michael Drill as the new Chairman of the Board.

“The decision to appoint Michael Eberhardt creates continuity in the management of the company, and we are pleased that the entire management team will be able to consistently continue along the current path,” says Dr. Michael Drill, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SNP SE.

“We are still stunned by the sudden and unexpected death of Dr. Andreas Schneider-Neureither. The current solution ensures that we will continue to run the company in his spirit,” explains Michael Eberhardt.



  • Press release

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