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UKISUG Data & Analytics Symposium

Network and collaborate with peers

Join us for a day of informative sessions, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities with fellow professionals in the industry. There will be a range of speakers covering topics such as SAP Analytics Cloud, and Data Preparation, including Platform & Database, and Digital Transformation.

We are presenting!

'Realising the value of near-time data from multiple SAP sources for Smith & Nephew'

Time: 11.25 - 11.55 BST 

Roger Pearson joins SNP's Robin Webster to discuss how data that is kept updated can provide key insights for Smith & Nephew as part of their large-scale data and value engineering journey.


'Integrating IT Transformation, Data, and AI Strategies: A Unified Approach for Informed Decision Making'

Time: 15:50 - 16:20 BST

Join Harry & Alex in the final breakout session of the day, as they discuss the best approach for your next integration project.


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