Five best practices for migrating to SAP S/4HANA
Migrating to S/4HANA requires careful consideration — the amount of time allotted to the project (including planned downtime during migration), the method of implementation and planning around how to best capitalize on S/4HANA’s functionality to benefit your business.
In this article for the Forbes Technology Council, SNP Chief Technology Officer Steele Abernathy covers some of the most important aspects to consider when moving to SAP S/4HANA.
A 2027 deadline can make it tempting to put this project on the backburner for a few years, but the less time you leave to make the transition, the messier and less value-adding that transition will become. Having the right partner for executing an S/4HANA migration is critical for getting the most value out of the project. Look for a partner that is highly specialized in SAP environments and knows the ins and outs of what an S/4HANA migration entails.
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